

The Shan Plateau and Inle Lake

If you plan a visit to Myanmar, there is a high probability that you will see one of the country's most attractive destinations: Inle Lake. It is located at an altitude of 1,000 meters and surrounded by the famous "Blue Mountains of the Shan Plateau." 

That is where the Vineyard is located: at the edges of the small town with the name of Aythaya.  It is only 30 minutes away by car from the Lake.  It is on your way when you want to visit Khaku, the spiritual centre of the Pa-O people (see also the map).  You cannot miss Aythaya when you come from Heho airport or from Inle Lake and you want to visit Taunggyi.  The vineyard is located is on your right side. 

Contact Information

Myanmar Vineyard Estate Co.,Ltd.
Unit (1-3), Aung San Stadium (North Wing),
Gyo Phyu Road, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township,
Yangon, Myanmar.
Phone: (+95-1) 249122, 253251, 240251 Ext: 114,115

Current Php Version: 7.3.33



Aythaya Vineyard – Htone Bo
Aythaya – Taunggyi, Southern Shan States
Phone: (+95 – 81) 20 86 53, 20 85 48

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